On April 24, 2012
in Education by Mary (Tief) Tiefenbrunn
by Shelter Veterinarian, Dr. Robert Weedon.
Early-age sterilization is now the standard in shelter veterinary practice.
Tagged with: kittens, neuter, puppies, spay
On February 23, 2012
in Education, General by Mary (Tief) Tiefenbrunn
Those of you that follow the Letters to the Editor in our local paper, The News-Gazette, may recall a letter that appeared on January 5, 2012, from a Danville resident (Jimmy Bryant). He opined that it should be illegal to own all dogs known as “Pit Bulls” and such animals should be “gathered up and put down.”
Tagged with: Dogs, Education, Pit Bulls
On February 4, 2012
in Programs & Services, Surrendering Pets by Mary (Tief) Tiefenbrunn
There are times when surrendering a pet to the humane society is the best option for the animal or the animal's owners. The Champaign County Humane Society's shelter is an open admission facility that accepts all companion animals brought by their owners for surrender.
Tagged with: pets
On February 4, 2012
in Volunteer Opportunities by Barbara Meyer
Who would have thought that a modest garage sale on a driveway on Iowa Street in Urbana in the summer of 1985 would go on for 25 more years and get bigger every year?
Tagged with: garage sale, volunteer