An Open Letter to University of Illinois & Parkland College Employees
posted on Wednesday, July 06, 2016
July 6, 2016
Dear Friends:
Each year, the Campus Charitable Fund Drive (CCFD) allows UI and Parkland employees to donate to your favorite charities using the convenience of payroll deduction. The Champaign County Humane Society hopes you will join with hundreds of other University employees in supporting local charities through Community Shares of Illinois.
Dozens of non-profit organizations in Community Shares of Illinois, including eight in Champaign County, address a wide range of community concerns including hunger, animal welfare, affordable housing and health care, civil rights, environmental protection, arts and media, and many issues affecting women and children.
When you donate through Community Shares of Illinois, your donation will go to the charity or charities your select. The following charities are based right here in Champaign County:
Champaign County Humane Society
Champaign County Health Care Consumers
Champaign-Urbana Tenant Union
Homestead Corporation of Champaign-Urbana
Tap In Leadership Academy
U-C Independent Media Center
WEFT 90.1 FM Community Radio
Wesley Evening Food Pantry
UI Employees: Please note that if you participate in the continuous giving campaign you will need to contact the Campus Charitable Fund Drive at to confirm your gift for next year. At this site, you may also increase the amount of your monthly deduction or add additional charities to receive a portion of your gift.
Parkland Employees: In order to designate your donation to one or more individual members of Community Shares, please use the list of Community Shares members in the pledge booklet and turn it in with your pledge sheet. If you were not given a pledge booklet, please ask the Combined Charitable Campaign contact for your department.
Thank you for helping to make a difference in our community.

Mary Tiefenbrunn
Executive Director
Champaign County Humane Society